How to recognize depression?

Depression is a mental disorder that is manifested by a decrease in mood, interest and energy levels, problems with concentration, attention and sleep, and suicidal thoughts. The causes of depression are multiple: genetics, biological changes, traumatic events, social factors (violence, bullying), use of psychoactive substances, use of certain medications, or chronic diseases. Together, they influence the onset and development of the disease.
Treatment for depression can be medical, psychological or social. Medical treatment includes the use of anti-depressants (antidepressants). They help by normalizing the chemical balance in the brain. Psychological treatments include psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and more. Social treatment includes support groups, self-help groups, various social activities.
We invite you to contact a well-being consultant as soon as you feel the first symptoms of depression. Using cognitive behavioral therapy methods, the welfare consultant will help you identify harmful thoughts and teach you how to manage your emotions. Also, in order to promote the client’s employment, the welfare consultant can refer to cooperating institutions.

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